Monday, June 4, 2007

reject in blogville

i decided that i would start blogging as a result of losing an amazing job opportunity to a fellow blogger. i am convinced that she got the job BECAUSE she had a blog.

how do i know this? well.. i don't, really. but i had to do some investigating because i'm a complete lunatic who doesn't rest until i get what i want. most people who know me recognize i have an uncanny knack for sleuthing. that's correct. and all it took was a trusty ol' Google search and whalla-there she was- talking about her new job on the 23rd floor overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge from her green-friendly office.

if only i could have interesting and compelling subject matter to write about like:
which brand of Vitamin Water i should purchase today, or which Sex and the City marathon i should TIVO next- i'd be golden. some media director would kill to hire me. i just know it.

i lay in bed wondering what it's like to be her... with her nouveau, cat-eye framed, circa 1998 glasses and magenta tinted hair (also hip in the late 90's).
what product she uses in the shower.
how she takes her coffee.
how she manages to find time to taste that latest Cosmo flavor with her NYU pals at that trendy hipster dive on John st. God only
knows. i mean, c'mon...she works AND maintains a successful blog- the blog that got her MY dream job.
it's all so exhausting.

does she floss? recycle?
have road rage like me?

i wonder if i can stop obsessing about this girl?

i have to go clean dog hair off my couch.


shastasheen said... I miss my Sapphire and tonics. It's that little taste of pine that really does do my taste buds right. Sometimes, I'll go sniff the Pine-Sol bottle for some inspiration. Anyway, I don't think that having a blog would really get you a job...and, if it did, you have to really ask yourself if you would want to work there. Especially if all your co-workers look like extras from a Lisa Loeb video. Damn, now if only I knew how to use Papyrus fonts in the comment section....

Ann Marie Woolsey said...

i'm sure i won't find a job by writing a blog...however, i'm not so sure i won't lose my current one by doing so....hahahaha!