Wednesday, June 6, 2007

bumper stickers and america...well, upstate NY.

first prize:
about two years ago... i was driving up rt. 23 out of Hunter and saw a 4x4 with the bumper sticker: "Terrorize This", neatly displayed in the bottom right of it's rear window.

just today- i saw a sticker on the rear window of a massive truck that said: "Licensed Terrorist Patrolman".

dang evil doers.

(this one gets around and seems to be popular in Ulster County)
"Kids who hunt and fish don't mug old ladies."

honorable mention has to go to:
"Life is a gift...not a choice."
cracks me up every time...

of all time favorite will always be:
"Don't like my driving? call 1-800- EAT - SHIT."

i miss that one.

1 comment:

shastasheen said...

My favorite sticker of all time:

"Dear god, please save me from your followers."